Ivan Iannoli


Hello! My full website is under construction, so I created this temporary page to highlight a few projects that highlight my experience and interests. If you’d like to see more work, discuss ideas, or just gab, of course, please do reach out


A few graphic mockups I created highlighting the emergence of the multi-talented SGA. These could spread across social, editorial, and other instances of display. 

The Fields

A wine brand I co-founded in 2019. I was personally responsible for the entire visual system for the project, including concept, naming, graphic and web design, e-commerce, email marketing, and photography/video.


Label design
Label design, prepress
Social media
Website & ecommerce design
                      Email marketing, design

                                                                                                                 Logomark & Logotype

Other Work

A collection of some other projects I’ve done, encompassing graphic design, web design, and photography.

Design & layout for internal SFUSD manual
Website for Friends of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Wordpress)
Website for artist Wayne Smith (Squarespace)
Photography for Offset Partners
Portrait / team photography for Offset Partners
Promotional flier design for client
Exhibition announcement

2021, 2024

I designed & produced 2 different editioned clock series (in 2021 and 2023/4). They were initiated and sold first through a collaboration with Conventional Projects, and are now now available at Park Life (who also presented them at the Fog Art Fair in January). These give me a chance to create physical work with my hands, and think about material forms and consider the relationship of art to function. I display them here as this kind of work informs my design work, which is rooted in free play, experimentation, color, and balance.

This site is under construction and therefore incomplete. If you’d like to get more information -- or see more work -- across any category of design (web/print), photography, art, teaching, or more, please do send me a message. Thank you!